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This was my first attempt to utilize a new application, Manga Studio 3, to produce my art. It came highly recommended (it's the "official" production software of manga publisher Tokyopop), and I was in a position to take advantage of special pricing on the pro ("EX") edition, so I bought it. It was several weeks, however, before I finally got around to using it.

I have to admit to being a little disappointed; Manga Studio is geared toward print publication, and thus is a bit clumsy for producing the kind of Web art that I specialize in. But the drawing tools are cool, and the ink brush tool is even better than in Corel Painter. So what I may do in the future is use MS to do the sketching and line work, and then export it to Photoshop for coloring and final processing.

But this first drawing (done entirely in MS, including the tones!) didn't turn out too bad, ne?

(I couldn't resist taking it into Photoshop for coloring?)

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© 2006 David C. Matthews